Home / Health Centre

The Health Center is the heart of the organization and the first point of contact for the Patients and the organizations of the Network.
The Health Assistance Health Center is operational from Monday to Friday from 08.30 to 18.00 and on Saturday from 09.00 to 13.00 and can be contacted through the following channels:

The Health Center provides information and assistance regarding:

Underwritten health plans

Affiliated Centres

Refund and Direct Payment Procedures

Forms and documents for reimbursement procedures

Additional services available to Patients

Forms and documents for reimbursement procedures

All complete and useful information for associative life is always available to Patients within their Reserved Area.

Refund management

In Health Assistance, the management of reimbursement procedures for its customers and clients is designed to allow for 4 different procedures, depending on the choices of the client and the chosen benefit.
If the coverage and procedural conditions are met, the Patient may request direct payment for the treatments that must be performed.
In order to request the activation of the procedure, at least 3 days before, the Patient must send the authorization request form accompanied by all the documentation relating to the treatments to be carried out for allow the medical staff and relevant offices to evaluate it.
Once the Patient has received the appropriate care (even if not through the structures affiliated with the Network), sends to Health Assistance the Reimbursement Request form and all the documentation relating to the treatments performed (invoices, notices , receipts, requests, requests, medical records, reports, etc…) to allow their evaluation by the medical staff and the relevant offices.
If the coverage and procedural requirements are met, but the chosen doctor does not appear to have an agreement with the Network, the Patient can request direct payment of the expenses relating to the Healthcare Facility and send, subsequently to reimbursement, the expense relating to the part of the medical team incurred for the same treatment event.
The Member who requires a service provided for by the Regulations signed in the Hospital Area section (hospitalization with or without surgery in an ordinary regime and daytime outpatient interventions, etc.), may submit a Request for Support from the Health Centre of Health Assistance by completing the form called “Nulla Osta Form: Request for Support for Hospital Services”.

Download the form here.

The health service at the Structure defined in the Nulla Osta can be booked by the Member following the release of authorization by the Health Centre, both for Direct assistance and for Indirect Assistance In Network. The member, therefore, will receive Authorization from the Centrale Salute to proceed with the Direct Assistance formula if the service falls within the guarantees of the Regulation.

The authorization constitutes a no impediment for the direct activation of the service.

Numero 06.40416113

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